5 Facts about Winter Salt

5 Facts about Winter Salt

5 Facts about Winter Salt


Winter salt, commonly known as road salt or rock salt, is a critical component in managing icy and snowy road conditions during the winter months. While many of us are familiar with its use, there are several intriguing facts about winter salt that often go unnoticed. In this blog post, we will explore 5 facts about winter salt.



1.       Historical Use: Winter salt has been used for deicing and preventing ice formation on roads since the early 1940s. Initially, it was mixed with sand to enhance traction. Over time, the effectiveness of salt alone became evident, and it is now the most used deicer globally.

Chemical Composition: The most common type of winter salt used is sodium chloride (NaCl), the same compound found in table salt. Sodium chloride lowers the freezing point of water, preventing the formation of ice on road surfaces.

Supports economic productivity: Winter salt usage contributes to the overall economic productivity of regions affected by harsh winter conditions. By ensuring safer road conditions, businesses can continue to operate, employees can commute to work, and customers can access goods and services, thereby minimizing economic disruptions caused by winter weather.

Quantity Used: An astounding amount of winter salt is used each year to keep roads safe during winter storms. In the United States alone, over 20 million tonnes of salt are used annually, which is equivalent to about 130 pounds of salt per person.

Importance of Proper Application: To maximize the effectiveness of winter salt, proper application techniques are crucial. Applying the right amount of salt, at the right time, and using calibrated equipment can significantly reduce the overall salt usage while maintaining safe road conditions.

Winter salt plays a vital role in keeping our roads safe during winter. Winter salt helps maintain essential transportation routes, preventing disruptions to commerce and trade during winter months. It enables the efficient movement of goods and services, ensuring the functioning of supply chains and preventing costly delays. Draglam Salt is Ontario’s leading supplier of bulk salt and has multiple locations throughout Southern Ontario. Call us today to pre-order salt for the next winter season!