The History of Road Salt

The History of Road Salt

The History of Road Salt


As Canadians, we know all too well the importance of road salt for safe winter driving. But where did this practice come from, and how did it become such a crucial part of Canadian winter maintenance? In this blog, we'll take a look at the history of road salt in Canada and how it has evolved over the years.

 Road salt is not a new practice in Canada. The use of salt to melt ice on roads and sidewalks can be traced back to ancient Rome, where it was used to keep roads and walkways clear during the winter months. However, it was not until the 1940s that the use of road salt became widespread in Canada.


In the early years, road salt was not the primary method for winter maintenance. Instead, sand and gravel were commonly used to provide traction on slippery roads. While these materials helped to improve traction, they did little to actually melt the ice and snow.


The turning point came in 1942, during World War II when the United States began to produce large quantities of salt for de-icing military equipment. This surplus of salt led to experiments with using it for de-icing roads, and the results were impressive. Not only did salt help to melt ice and snow, but it was also more cost-effective than other materials. In Canada, road salt was first used experimentally in the late 1940s. The results were positive, and by the early 1950s, salt had become the primary method for winter maintenance in many parts of the country. The use of road salt continued to grow over the years, and by the 1970s, it was the most widely used method for de-icing roads in Canada.


Today, road salt is used in every province and territory in Canada. In fact, Canada is one of the largest users of road salt in the world, with over 5 million tonnes used each year. Road salt is now considered an essential tool for winter maintenance, helping to keep our roads and highways safe during the winter months.

Draglam Salt – Trusted Supplier of Bulk Road Salt

In conclusion, the history of road salt in Canada is fascinating. From its origins in ancient Rome to its widespread use in modern times, road salt has played a crucial role in keeping our roads safe during the winter months. Draglam Salt is a trusted name for quality road salt in the province of Ontario. Offering bulk salt to bagged salt with options of delivery and pick up, we have simplified the bulk salt business in the province. We are committed to providing the best quality salt so that the roads remain safe and clean.