The Science Behind Road Salt

The Science Behind Road Salt

Road salt, or sodium chloride, is a common substance used to melt ice and snow on roads during winter. Canadian winters can be harsh and can impact commutes for months. Municipalities and contractors work throughout the season to make travel safe. Draglam is a trusted Bulk Salt Supplier in Southern Ontario which has been helping to keep the community clean and safe during the winter months.

Chemical Properties of Road Salt

The most common type of road salt used for de-icing is sodium chloride, which has a chemical formula of NaCl. When dissolved in water, it dissociates into positively charged sodium ions (Na+) and negatively charged chloride ions (Cl-). These ions disrupt the hydrogen bonds between water molecules, lowering the freezing point of water and preventing ice from forming. This property of sodium chloride is what makes it an effective de-icing agent.

Road salt plays a critical role in maintaining safe driving conditions during winter months. By melting snow and ice on roads, it helps to prevent accidents caused by slippery conditions, ensuring the safety of drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. Road salt is also cost-effective compared to other de-icing methods, making it an accessible solution for many communities.­

Moreover, the use of road salt can have positive economic impacts by reducing the costs associated with accidents caused by icy roads. These costs include emergency services, medical expenses, property damage, and lost productivity. By reducing the number of accidents on icy roads, road salt helps to mitigate these costs and promote economic stability.

In addition, road salt can also have positive environmental impacts when used responsibly. For example, by applying salt strategically and in appropriate amounts, it can reduce the amount of fuel used by vehicles by improving road conditions, leading to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Salt can also prevent roads from freezing, reducing the need for road repairs and infrastructure maintenance.

In summary, road salt remains an essential tool for maintaining safe driving conditions during winter months. Draglam Salt has made it easier for snow removal companies and contractors to pick up road salt from multiple sites in Southern Ontario. The company also offers delivery of bulk salt which can either be ordered in bags or dumped at your preferred spot. Order from Draglam Salt for all your future winter contracts!