'Return to Normal' for Salt Supply

This past winter was unusually mild with less precipitation than we’ve come to expect.  As a result, we are starting to see a rebound in the previously depleted local salt supply.  We anticipate a ‘return to normal’ and are excited to supply locally-mined salt once again.

Over the past couple of seasons, we imported overseas salt to ensure that our customers were never left without the salt supply they rely so heavily on to service their contracts.  While laboratory testing proved the overseas salt to be just as effective as local salt, we understand that some customers, and their clients, prefer white salt.

On behalf of all of us at Draglam Salt, thank you for your loyalty throughout the challenging seasons we’ve experienced.  We went to great lengths to secure salt supply to avoid shortages and hope that you’re satisfied with our commitment.  We truly appreciate your ability to adapt to new products and advocate for the effectiveness and safety of the off-colour salt we sourced.  

For those who prefer the off-colour salt, we still have inventory available.  For those who prefer white salt, rest assured that we’re working tirelessly to secure local supply and will be ready to deliver.

Our hope for a ‘return to normal’ extends far beyond the deicing industry these days, and we wish you well as we weather this storm together.